The main construction part of the building project is virtually complete, inside is now fully plastered and the decorating has begun, after waiting for the plaster to completely dry out. The toilet and shed area walls and ceilings are finished, the main studio has had the first watered down coat to seal the plaster before decorating begins in there. The outside of the building has been completely rendered and is also now ready for decorating, along with the wall to the right of my property which has been tided up by rendering the surface and placing capping stones on top with a nice trellis to finish. My brother (aka the builder), is away for possibly up to a month, which will give me time to catch up on the decorating, before he starts the external connections to the house (cables, soil pipe etc) and the soak-away going in for the rainwater.

Studio area completely plastered

Looking good John - should be fab when it done, real labour of love :)