The studio is flying up, I am so impressed with my Brother's construction abilities, the speed at which it is going up, the manner in which it is being built and his ever critical eye for detail. I am not saying that because he is my Brother, but because he is an amazing professional workman (GSM Construction is the company name). As can be seen, we have come a long way in the 3 weeks of the project so far and whilst he has worked long days, you cannot but be surprised at where we have got too. In the later photos you can begin to see the inside take shape, as well as the window and door areas take form and give me a real perspective of the space I will have in my studio, it's brilliant! The front and back walls are at a height ready to take the Roof Rafters, the side walls will be built up next week to form the Gable ends before we lift the Steel Ridge beam into place. Next weekend will see the start of the construction of the roof, when things will slow down due to the complex nature of the work.

Looking through what will be the Patio doors and window

Looking out from the toilet area towards what will be the main shooting wall.