I had the pleasure of attending and photographing Kim and Brian's Wedding on the 25th November. The weather was definitely on the cold side, with freezing temperatures outside as we did some of the group photos in the failing light of the day.
After seeing the Photo Noir style of Photography being demonstrated by Kenny Martin, I have been practicing the style and had some willing Family members around to do an entire session on the subject. Here is the outcome:
I made the most of the decent weather last weekend to get out and do a couple of photo shoots whilst the Autumn colours were still around, here is my delightful Niece having fun and being my model for the afternoon, she was great!
Following Oscar through the first year of his life had me return yesterday to capture the images of him at the six month old stage. He is growing fast and such fun to take pictures of, always full of smiles, I just can't believe how fast the sessions seem to come around. Back in Jan/Feb for the next one. Here is a sneak peak at some of the photos.
We were out yesterday for the second location shoot with Jak. He had some specific shots he wanted me to capture, and I had some ideas I wanted to try. Thankfully the weather held off for us, although it did get dark rather quick towards the end. Watch and enjoy!
This is some footage of an aircraft launch from the Carrier I was on earlier this week. You will note the guy in the yellow shirt who seems to orchestrate the launch of the aircraft, the guy in front of him in the green top, sitting in the whole, is the one who operates the catapult. Watch them as the aircraft go past, particularly on the second launch, thats what you call dicing with death, duck too late and your out! This is the same catapult that I went off of, but those that know me will know it needed to be a much bigger plane! Still 0-180 mph in 4 seconds was awesome!
This had been a quiet moth photographically, i have been busy sorting out the plans to build my studio in the garden, modifying the plans following the first refusal to planning permission by the council, outside of that it's been a great month for family time. Went to the Great Dorset Steam Fair, some local visits, a trip to Alton Towers for the weekend with my Brother and his family, then off this weekend again to Butlins at Minehead. Normal photographic activity will be restored sometime in mid october when i return from a works trip to the USA!
Last Friday I was invited around to take the family portraits for a friend of mine with the emphasis on Keeley and her new brother Jack, here is a small slideshow of the session.
I went with the family to the Bristol Balloon Fiesta last Thursday. It was the first time we had attended this event and whilst during the day it was relatively slow going, particularly as the winds had picked up which prevented the balloons launching, the evening was spectacular! During the afternoon, the shaped balloons were inflated and tethered, there were several shapes and sizes, not forgetting the pink gnome but, the motor bike dominated the skies with a height, when inflated, of 37 metres and a width of approx 45 metres, it was huge. The evening culminated with the night glow where 20-30 balloons were synchronised in inflation and then burning/glowing, all done to music! Here are a few shots taken on the day, it was a colourful day, Black and white would no do it justice! We will be going again next year!
As I reached the end of my Apprentice period with PhotoTraining4U, I attended a couple of courses run by Mark Cleghorn. I have only just got round to processing the files as I was away on holiday!
First up was the Wedding Photographers Wanted, which was a 2 day event run by Mark but he was assisted by other professional photographers, Gary and Sue Photography and Kenny Martin. The purpose of the 2 days was to allow the professionals to pass on their secrets to the business of Weddings, along with some great shooting tips and tricks to shoot and sell more, with the second day being practical shooting in and around the City of Cardiff with the masters. Here is a sneek peak at what I shot during the second day -
The second course was a follow up to the Wedding Photographers Wanted course and designed to give ideas on how to shoot Bride and Groom out on Location, hence the name Location Location. It was for photographers to develop their creative ideas and how to shoot quickly when getting out of the car when travelling perhaps between the ceremony and reception or looking at it as a follow up photo shoot in a cherish the dress style shoot, where more time would be available. It also included details of Album design and a bit of promotion/marketing. Again it was in and around locations in Cardiff and was great fun. Here are some of my shots from the 2 days.
I am pleased to announce that today, I found out that I have been successful with my panel of images, put to the SWPP, for my Licentiateship in Portraiture, achieving the LSWPP - Licentiate of the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers. This is the culmination, to what has been an eventful year of learning, taking my photographic skills to a new level, ensuring that I can consistently deliver results of a professional nature. I now feel I am more justified to call myself a Professional Photographer, fully understanding that you do not need qualifications or certifications to be a professional but, it certainly shows dedication. Please see below the panel of images that were submitted.
I can't believe it has been 3 months since I last photographed Oscar, such a happy and content baby as can be seen by the photographs below. These images are from the second shoot in a series, where I intend to follow Oscar's growth through his first year. When showing Mum and Dad the images after the shoot direct out of the camera, I was hearing all the right noises, such as ooohhh aaahhh and I like that one and that one, must be getting something right!
Well it had to come sooner or later, my year as one of the PhotoTraining4U apprentices came to an end on Friday with our official final meeting with Mark Cleghorn. The year has been truly amazing, my photography skills have significantly improved beyond my expectations! The team at PT4U have been great throughout the year, we have had our ups and downs, but like most things in life, you take the rough with the smooth and make the best of everything. I have made new friends, in particular my partner in crime, Mark Osman who has provided support throughout. I now need to take what I have learnt and progress on with the business side. Here is the final picture of the apprentices with their mentor.
I did a location shoot with Jak last week as a portfolio builder for him. We had a great time, the weather was definitely on our side and the area was quiet which meant there were less distractions to worry about. The only problem we had was the Police arriving at the end of the shoot to clear us off of the dis-used railway track! Such a shame as it is a great location!
I took these pictures of Patsy at her home yesterday, both Nan and Mum said she never smiles! Even without the smiles, although we did get some during the course of the shoot, we got some lovely images, which I am sure they will all love.